My research

Broad scientific interests

I am interested in all areas of quantum information theory, with a particular emphasis on quantum thermodynamics, decoherence theory, and quantum computing.

A detailed description of most of my work within the last five years can be found in my Summary of Professional Accomplishments that I prepared as a part of the habilitation procedure in Poland and that summarises a single-themed series of 15 publications entitled Optimizing quantum information processing under constraints.

Current focus

Currently I am working on quantum algorithms for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Areas of research

(To see a full list of publications and presentations in a chronological order check my Scientific CV)

When speaking of thermodynamics one inevitably thinks of concepts such as heat flows, thermal machines and pressure, which seem to be far removed from the ideas of quantum information theory. However, on a more abstract level, thermodynamics can be seen as a field studying the accessibility/inaccessibility of one physical state from another. The first and second laws of thermodynamics are fundamental constraints on state transformations, forcing thermodynamic processes to conserve the overall energy and forbidding free conversion of heat into work. Hence, the resource-theoretic machinery originally developed to study entanglement is also perfectly suited to shed light on thermodynamics.

In my research I mostly focus on the role that superposition principle plays in thermodynamic considerations. More precisely, I am interested in thermodynamic limitations on processing quantum coherence, the way it affects the thermodynamic arrow of time and the possibility of exploiting coherence to enhance the performance of heat engines. These foundational questions may be of interest for future advancements in nanotechnology, as interference effects are particularly relevant at scales we are increasingly able to control. Recently I am also interested in the problem of thermodynamic (and general resource-theoretic) transformations of finite-size systems, and in particular the effect this non-asymptotic regime has on reversible transformations.

− Publications

  • Quantum dichotomies and coherent thermodynamics beyond first-order asymptotics
    Patryk Lipka-Bartosik, Christopher T. Chubb, Joseph M. Renes, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
    PRX Quantum 5, 020335 (2024)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Abstract: We address the problem of exact and approximate transformation of quantum dichotomies in the asymptotic regime, i.e., the existence of a quantum channel \(\cal{E}\) mapping \(\rho_1^{\otimes n}\) into \(\rho_2^{\otimes R_nn}\) with an error \(\epsilon_n\) (measured by trace distance) and \(\sigma_1^{\otimes n}\) into \(\sigma_2^{\otimes R_n n}\) exactly, for a large number \(n\). We derive second-order asymptotic expressions for the optimal transformation rate \(R_n\) in the small, moderate, and large deviation error regimes, as well as the zero-error regime, for an arbitrary pair \((\rho_1,\sigma_1)\) of initial states and a commuting pair \((\rho_2,\sigma_2)\) of final states. We also prove that for \(\sigma_1\) and \(\sigma_2\) given by thermal Gibbs states, the derived optimal transformation rates in the first three regimes can be attained by thermal operations. This allows us, for the first time, to study the second-order asymptotics of thermodynamic state interconversion with fully general initial states that may have coherence between different energy eigenspaces. Thus, we discuss the optimal performance of thermodynamic protocols with coherent inputs and describe three novel resonance phenomena allowing one to significantly reduce transformation errors induced by finite-size effects. What is more, our result on quantum dichotomies can also be used to obtain, up to second-order asymptotic terms, optimal conversion rates between pure bipartite entangled states under local operations and classical communication.

    Popular summary: Statistical inference forms the backbone of scientific progress. Knowing which statistical model is more informative, giving us better insight into reality, is thus of paramount importance. Although classical statistics is a well-established field, with the recent progress of quantum technologies the demand for understanding quantum statistical models is growing. In our work, we address this pressing issue by developing a rigorous mathematical framework that allows one to compare the informativeness of quantum dichotomies, which can be seen as basic building blocks of more complex statistical models. As a direct application, we show how to apply our results in the field of quantum thermodynamics to study the fundamental limitations on the thermodynamic processing of quantum systems prepared in coherent superpositions of different energy states. To assess whether one quantum dichotomy is more informative than the other, we verify whether the latter can be deduced from the former via the means of quantum processing. More precisely, we find the optimal rate at which many instances of the latter model can be reconstructed from instances of the former model with a given reconstruction error. We then translate these statistical results into the language of thermodynamics, which allows us to study fully quantum versions of thermodynamic protocols. In particular, we discover a novel coherent resonance phenomenon that exploits quantum coherence to increase the reversibility of a thermodynamic transformation. This contribution paves the way for further harnessing the power of quantum statistical inference tools for the development of quantum technologies, especially for the optimal design of quantum thermodynamic protocols.

  • Thermal recall: Memory-assisted Markovian thermal processes
    Jakub Czartowski, A. de Oliveira Junior, Kamil Korzekwa
    PRX Quantum 4, 040304 (2023)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Abstract: We develop a resource-theoretic framework that allows one to bridge the gap between two approaches to quantum thermodynamics based on Markovian thermal processes (which model memoryless dynamics) and thermal operations (which model arbitrarily non-Markovian dynamics). Our approach is built on the notion of memory-assisted Markovian thermal processes, where memoryless thermodynamic processes are promoted to non-Markovianity by explicitly modelling ancillary memory systems initialised in thermal equilibrium states. Within this setting, we propose a family of protocols composed of sequences of elementary two-level thermalisations that approximate all transitions between energy-incoherent states accessible via thermal operations. We prove that, as the size of the memory increases, these approximations become arbitrarily good for all transitions in the infinite temperature limit, and for a subset of transitions in the finite temperature regime. Furthermore, we present solid numerical evidence for the convergence of our protocol to any transition at finite temperatures. We also explain how our framework can be used to quantify the role played by memory effects in thermodynamic protocols such as work extraction. Finally, our results show that elementary control over two energy levels at a given time is sufficient to generate all energy-incoherent transitions accessible via thermal operations if one allows for ancillary thermal systems.

    Popular summary: The traditional approach to thermodynamics assumes a “drop of water vs. ocean” situation - a small system embedded within a large heat bath, which is virtually unaffected by the evolution of the former. Since the state of the bath is stationary, it cannot depend on the system’s past, thus rendering it memoryless. However, fundamentally, there is a possibility of building up arbitrarily strong correlations between the system and the bath, leading to memory effects. This view has been recently explored in the quest for finding ultimate limits of thermodynamic processing of quantum systems. Therefore, there are currently two disjoint approaches to quantum thermodynamics (with no memory and with a total recall), and our contribution provides a framework that bridges the gap between the two. We approached the problem with a simple assumption in mind - it is enough to have additional control of some part of the heat bath, treating it as a finite-size memory, and perform memoryless operations on such a tandem. Based on this and using both analytical and numerical methods we demonstrated how the range of possible thermodynamic transformations grows as the size of the memory increases. As a result, our framework allows one to investigate the role played by memory effects in thermodynamic tasks, and to quantify the advantage brought by it. We believe that our work can serve as a cornerstone for future investigations into the trade-off between the cost of memory control and performance improvements in thermodynamic processes, and thus can help in designing optimal quantum thermal machines.

  • Geometric structure of thermal cones
    A. de Oliveira Junior, Jakub Czartowski, Karol Życzkowski, Kamil Korzekwa
    Phys. Rev. E 106, 064109 (2022)


    + Abstract

    Abstract: The second law of thermodynamics imposes a fundamental asymmetry in the flow of events. The so-called thermodynamic arrow of time introduces an ordering that divides the system's state space into past, future and incomparable regions. In this work, we analyse the structure of the resulting thermal cones, i.e., sets of states that a given state can thermodynamically evolve to (the future thermal cone) or evolve from (the past thermal cone). Specifically, for a \(d\)-dimensional classical state of a system interacting with a heat bath, we find explicit construction of the past thermal cone and the incomparable region. Moreover, we provide a detailed analysis of their behaviour based on newly introduced thermodynamic monotones given by the volumes of thermal cones. Finally, we point out that our results also apply to other majorisation-based resource theories (such as that of entanglement and coherence), since the partial ordering describing allowed state transformations is then the opposite of the thermodynamic order in the infinite temperature limit.

  • Optimizing thermalizations
    Kamil Korzekwa, Matteo Lostaglio
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 040602 (2022)


    + Abstract

    Editors' Suggestion

    Featured in Physics

    Abstract: We present a rigorous approach, based on the concept of continuous thermomajorisation, to algorithmically characterise the full set of energy occupations of a quantum system accessible from a given initial state through weak interactions with a heat bath. The algorithm can be deployed to solve complex optimization problems in out-of-equilibrium setups and it returns explicit elementary control sequences realizing optimal transformations. We illustrate this by finding optimal protocols in the context of cooling, work extraction and catalysis. The same tools also allow one to quantitatively assess the role played by memory effects in the performance of thermodynamic protocols. We obtained exhaustive solutions on a laptop machine for systems with dimension \(d\leq 7\), but with heuristic methods one could access much higher \(d\).

  • Continuous thermomajorization and a complete set of laws for Markovian thermal processes
    Matteo Lostaglio, Kamil Korzekwa
    Phys. Rev. A 106, 012426 (2022)


    + Abstract

    Editors' Suggestion

    Featured in Physics

    Abstract: The standard dynamical approach to quantum thermodynamics is based on Markovian master equations describing the thermalization of a system weakly coupled to a large environment, and on tools such as entropy production relations. Here we introduce a new framework overcoming the limitations that the current dynamical and information theory approaches encounter when applied to this setting. More precisely, based on a newly introduced notion of continuous thermomajorization, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Markovian thermal process transforming between given initial and final energy distributions of the system. These lead to a complete set of generalized entropy production inequalities including the standard one as a special case. Importantly, these conditions can be reduced to a finitely verifiable set of constraints governing non-equilibrium transformations under master equations. What is more, the framework is also constructive, i.e., it returns explicit protocols realizing any allowed transformation. These protocols use as building blocks elementary thermalizations, which we prove to be universal controls. Finally, we also present an algorithm constructing the full set of energy distributions achievable from a given initial state via Markovian thermal processes and provide a \(\texttt{Mathematica}\) implementation solving \(d=6\) on a laptop computer in minutes.

  • Fluctuation-dissipation relations for thermodynamic distillation processes
    Tanmoy Biswas, A. de Oliveira Junior, Michał Horodecki, Kamil Korzekwa
    Phys. Rev. E 105, 054127 (2022)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Abstract: The fluctuation-dissipation theorem is a fundamental result in statistical physics that establishes a connection between the response of a system subject to a perturbation and the fluctuations associated with observables in equilibrium. Here we derive its version within a resource-theoretic framework, where one investigates optimal quantum state transitions under thermodynamic constraints. More precisely, we first characterise optimal thermodynamic distillation processes, and then prove a relation between the amount of free energy dissipated in such processes and the free energy fluctuations of the initial state of the system. Our results apply to initial states given by either asymptotically many identical pure systems or arbitrary number of independent energy-incoherent systems, and allow not only for a state transformation, but also for the change of Hamiltonian. The fluctuation-dissipation relations we derive enable us to find the optimal performance of thermodynamic protocols such as work extraction, information erasure and thermodynamically-free communication, up to second-order asymptotics in the number \(N\) of processed systems. We thus provide a first rigorous analysis of these thermodynamic protocols for quantum states with coherence between different energy eigenstates in the intermediate regime of large but finite \(N\).

    Popular summary: Almost two centuries ago, Robert Brown observed that pollen seeds immersed in water move randomly in erratic motion. It was not until the 1905 papers by Einstein and Smoluchowski that people understood that this “Brownian” motion is induced by the bombardment of pollen particles by water molecules. Crucially, by noting that these collisions would also create friction for the particle being pulled through the fluid, Einstein realised that the two processes, fluctuations of particle’s position and dissipation of its energy, have the same origin and thus must be related. Over the years, physicists generalized and formalized this observation into fundamental fluctuation-dissipation relations describing the behavior of systems driven out of equilibrium. Here, we provide a novel formulation of these relations in the quantum information realm, where fluctuations may not only be thermal in nature but can also arise from quantum superpositions. In our work, we investigate the behavior of quantum systems driven, in the presence of a thermal bath, from one non-equilibrium state to another. We prove that the minimal amount of free energy dissipated in this process is directly related to the fluctuations of the free energy content of the initial state of the system. Our analysis relies heavily on quantum information tools, while our results allow us to study the performance of thermal machines whose operation depends on quantum interference effects. This contribution paves the way for further studies on how quantum effects can be harnessed to minimise dissipation in thermodynamic processes. Moreover, our information-theoretic tools can be potentially used to explore fluctuation-dissipation relations for entanglement and other quantum resources.

  • Work fluctuations due to partial thermalizations in two-level systems
    Maria Quadeer, Kamil Korzekwa, Marco Tomamichel
    Phys. Rev. E 103, 042141 (2021)


    + Abstract

    Abstract: We study work extraction processes mediated by finite-time interactions with an ambient bath — partial thermalizations — as continuous time Markov processes for two-level systems. Such a stochastic process results in fluctuations in the amount of work that can be extracted and is characterized by the rate at which the system parameters are driven in addition to the rate of thermalization with the bath. We analyze the distribution of work for the case where the energy gap of a two-level system is driven at a constant rate. We derive analytic expressions for average work and lower bound for the variance of work showing that such processes cannot be fluctuation-free in general. We also observe that an upper bound for the Monte Carlo estimate of the variance of work can be obtained using Jarzynski's fluctuation-dissipation relation for systems initially in equilibrium. Finally, we analyse work extraction cycles by modifying the Carnot cycle, incorporating processes involving partial thermalizations and obtain efficiency at maximum power for such finite-time work extraction cycles under different sets of constraints.

  • Avoiding irreversibility: engineering resonant conversions of quantum resources
    Kamil Korzekwa, Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 110403 (2019)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Abstract: We identify and explore the intriguing property of resource resonance arising within resource theories of entanglement, coherence and thermodynamics. While the theories considered are reversible asymptotically, the same is generally not true in realistic scenarios where the available resources are bounded. The finite-size effects responsible for this irreversibility could potentially prohibit small quantum information processors or thermal machines from achieving their full potential. Nevertheless, we show here that by carefully engineering the resource interconversion process any such losses can be greatly suppressed. Our results are predicted by higher order expansions of the trade-off between the rate of resource interconversion and the achieved fidelity, and are verified by exact numerical optimizations of appropriate approximate majorization conditions.

    Popular summary: Due to the rapid progress in experimental control of intermediate-scale quantum systems, we may soon witness the emergence of new technologies that will utilize quantum resources to overcome current technological constraints. From a theoretical perspective, it is then crucial to understand the potential and limitations of manipulating and interconverting these resources in realistic scenarios, when only finite amounts of resources are available. In our work we address this pressing issue by developing a rigorous mathematical framework that allows one to investigate resource interconversion of finite-size systems within resource theories of entanglement, coherence and thermodynamics. This allows us to quantitatively analyse the irreversibility (and thus the unavoidable loss) of the conversion process arising from finite-size effects. Although this could potentially prohibit small quantum information processors or thermal machines from achieving their full potential, we show that by carefully engineering the resource interconversion process any such losses can be greatly suppressed. More precisely, we identify and explore the intriguing property of resource resonance that ensures that certain pairs of resources can be interconverted at greatly reduced loss. By analysing its applications within quantum thermodynamics and entanglement theory, we further explain how the resonance phenomenon can be employed to enhance the performance of intermediate-scale quantum devices and thermal machines developed in the near term.

  • Moderate deviation analysis of majorisation-based resource interconversion
    Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
    Phys. Rev. A 99, 032332 (2019)


    + Abstract

    Abstract: We consider the problem of interconverting a finite amount of resources within all theories whose single-shot transformation rules are based on a majorisation relation, e.g. the resource theories of entanglement and coherence (for pure state transformations), as well as thermodynamics (for energy-incoherent transformations). When only finite resources are available we expect to see a non-trivial trade-off between the rate \(r_n\) at which \(n\) copies of a resource state \(\rho\) can be transformed into \(nr_n\) copies of another resource state \(\sigma\), and the error level \(\epsilon_n\) of the interconversion process, as a function of \(n\). In this work we derive the optimal trade-off in the so-called moderate deviation regime, where the rate of interconversion \(r_n\) approaches its optimum in the asymptotic limit of unbounded resources (\(n\to\infty\)), while the error \(\epsilon_n\) vanishes in the same limit. We find that the moderate deviation analysis exhibits a resonance behaviour which implies that certain pairs of resource states can be interconverted at the asymptotically optimal rate with negligible error, even in the finite \(n\) regime.

  • Beyond the thermodynamic limit: finite-size corrections to state interconversion rates
    Christopher T. Chubb, Marco Tomamichel, Kamil Korzekwa
    Quantum 2, 108 (2018)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Abstract: Thermodynamics is traditionally constrained to the study of macroscopic systems whose energy fluctuations are negligible compared to their average energy. Here, we push beyond this thermodynamic limit by developing a mathematical framework to rigorously address the problem of thermodynamic transformations of finite-size systems. More formally, we analyse state interconversion under thermal operations and between arbitrary energy-incoherent states. We find precise relations between the optimal rate at which interconversion can take place and the desired infidelity of the final state when the system size is sufficiently large. These so-called second-order asymptotics provide a bridge between the extreme cases of single-shot thermodynamics and the asymptotic limit of infinitely large systems. We illustrate the utility of our results with several examples. We first show how thermodynamic cycles are affected by irreversibility due to finite-size effects. We then provide a precise expression for the gap between the distillable work and work of formation that opens away from the thermodynamic limit. Finally, we explain how the performance of a heat engine gets affected when one of the heat baths it operates between is finite. We find that while perfect work cannot generally be extracted at Carnot efficiency, there are conditions under which these finite-size effects vanish. In deriving our results we also clarify relations between different notions of approximate majorisation.

    Popular summary: Thermodynamics is one of the most versatile physical theories, finding applications in almost all fields of science, from cosmology and astrophysics to chemistry and the theory of computation. Its strength comes from the fact that it provides a universal framework that uses statistical tools to study physical phenomena in the so-called thermodynamic limit, i.e., when the number of involved systems is very large. However, our increasing ability to manipulate and control systems at smaller and smaller scales allows us to build novel nanodevices operating well beyond the thermodynamic limit. Therefore, in order to understand the thermodynamic properties of such devices, we need to formulate a theory that is not constrained to the study of macroscopic systems. In this paper we achieve this by developing an information-theoretic framework describing thermodynamic transformations of finite-size systems. One immediate application of our theoretical results is to the study of irreversible processes in the nanoscale regime. In particular, we show how the amount of ordered energy needed to drive a small system out of equilibrium is larger than the amount one could obtain in a reverse process. This affects reversibility of thermodynamic cycles and, in turn, deteriorates performance of nanoengines. Despite these negative finite-size effects, we find that in specially engineered conditions nanoscale engines can still achieve the ultimate limit of efficiency. Our results expand the realm of applicability of thermodynamics beyond the constraint of macroscopic systems, and thus provide new tools to study the universe at the smallest scale.

  • Structure of the thermodynamic arrow of time in classical and quantum theories
    Kamil Korzekwa
    Phys. Rev. A 95, 052318 (2017)


    + Abstract

    Abstract: In this work we analyse the structure of the thermodynamic arrow of time, defined by transformations that leave the thermal equilibrium state unchanged, in classical (incoherent) and quantum (coherent) regimes. We note that in the infinite-temperature limit the thermodynamic ordering of states in both regimes exhibits a lattice structure. This means that when energy does not matter and the only thermodynamic resource is given by information, the thermodynamic arrow of time has a very specific structure. Namely, for any two states at present there exists a unique state in the past consistent with them and with all possible joint pasts. Similarly, there also exists a unique state in the future consistent with those states and with all possible joint futures. We also show that the lattice structure in the classical regime is broken at finite temperatures, i.e., when energy is a relevant thermodynamic resource. Surprisingly, however, we prove that in the simplest quantum scenario of a two-dimensional system, this structure is preserved at finite temperatures. We provide the physical interpretation of these results by introducing and analysing the history erasure process, and point out that quantum coherence may be a necessary resource for the existence of an optimal erasure process.

  • The extraction of work from quantum coherence
    Kamil Korzekwa, Matteo Lostaglio, Jonathan Oppenheim, David Jennings
    New J. Phys. 18, 023045 (2016)


    + Abstract

    Highlights of 2016

    Abstract: The interplay between quantum-mechanical properties, such as coherence, and classical notions, such as energy, is a subtle topic at the forefront of quantum thermodynamics. The traditional Carnot argument limits the conversion of heat to work; here we critically assess the problem of converting coherence to work. Through a careful account of all resources involved in the thermodynamic transformations within a fully quantum-mechanical treatment, we show that there exist thermal machines extracting work from coherence arbitrarily well. Such machines only need to act on individual copies of a state and can be reused. On the other hand, we show that for any thermal machine with finite resources not all the coherence of a state can be extracted as work. However, even bounded thermal machines can be reused infinitely many times in the process of work extraction from coherence.

  • Quantum Coherence, Time-Translation Symmetry, and Thermodynamics
    Matteo Lostaglio, Kamil Korzekwa, David Jennings, Terry Rudolph
    Phys. Rev. X 5, 021001 (2015)


    + Abstract

    + Popular Summary

    Featured in Physics

    Abstract: The first law of thermodynamics imposes not just a constraint on the energy-content of systems in extreme quantum regimes, but also symmetry-constraints related to the thermodynamic processing of quantum coherence. We show that this thermodynamic symmetry decomposes any quantum state into mode operators that quantify the coherence present in the state. We then establish general upper and lower bounds for the evolution of quantum coherence under arbitrary thermal operations, valid for any temperature. We identify primitive coherence manipulations and show that the transfer of coherence between energy levels manifests irreversibility not captured by free energy. Moreover, the recently developed thermo-majorization relations on block-diagonal quantum states are observed to be special cases of this symmetry analysis.

    Popular summary: The remarkable discovery that energy at microscopic scales often comes in discrete chunks originated in Planck's attempt to understand the way that hot bodies glow. Thus began the long and intimate relationship between the field of thermodynamics, which explores our ability to manipulate heat and other energy transfers between macroscopic systems, and quantum mechanics, which explains the dynamics of individual microscopic systems. Even as both our technology and our theoretical investigations have extended to ever-smaller devices, our understanding of quantum effects on thermodynamics has remained almost exclusively limited to the quantized nature of energy. There is much more, however, to quantum theory than energy quantization; here our focus has been the property of quantum coherence the ability of quantum systems to emulate Schroedinger's cat and somehow be neither "dead and alive" nor "dead or alive" but something completely different altogether. We have discovered how to simplify our understanding of the thermal processing of coherence by using the fact that thermodynamical processes obey time-translation symmetry. This enables quantification of the way coherence can play an active role, facilitating the otherwise-impossible unlocking of energy from certain systems. We have conversely found fundamental limitations on how coherence can be irreversibly manipulated, limitations related to those on energy transfer as dictated by the Second Law of thermodynamics. It has long been appreciated that understanding of thermodynamics must be accompanied by an understanding of information theory. Our work provides evidence that to apply the laws of thermodynamics to the smallest systems around us necessitates an understanding of quantum information theory.

+ Oral Presentations

  • Quantum dichotomies and coherent thermodynamics beyond first order asymptotics

    Slides 1

    Slides 2

    + Presented at

    • [Invited] 48th Congress of Polish Physicists, Gdańsk, Poland (2023)
    • Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, Seoul, South Korea (2023)
  • Coherent thermodynamics beyond first order asymptotics


    + Presented at

    • TEAM-NET Workshop, Kroczyce, Poland (2022)
  • Finite-size effects in quantum thermodynamics

    Slides 1

    Slides 2

    + Presented at

    • [Invited] Quantum Resources Workshop, Singapore (2023)
    • Coherence-Correlations-Complexity seminar, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland (2023)
    • Center for Theoretical Physics seminar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (2023)
    • Quantum Information Seminar, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (2022)
    • [Invited] DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, Germany (2022)
  • Optimizing thermalizations



    + Presented at

    • Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022, Belfast, Ireland (2022)
    • 25th Annual Conference on Quantum Information Processing, Pasadena, USA (2022)
  • Fundamental constraints of quantum thermodynamics in the Markovian regime

    Slides 1

    Talk 1

    Slides 2

    Talk 2

    + Presented at

    • [Invited] Quantum Optics X, Toruń, Poland (2021)
    • [Invited] UTS Centre for Quantum Software and Information Seminar, Sydney, Australia (2021)
  • Resource-theoretic approach to the thermodynamic arrow of time

    (Blackboard talk)

    + Presented at

    • [Invited] Quantum Information Theory and Mathematical Physics Workshop, Budapest, Hungary (2019)
  • Avoiding irreversibility: lossless interconversion of quantum resources


    + Presented at

    • [Invited] X Jubilee Symposium KCIK, Sopot, Poland (2019)
    • Quantum Information & Chaos Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland (2018)
    • AIP Congress, Perth, Australia (2018)
    • Island Physics Conference, Magnetic Island, Australia (2018)
  • Beyond the thermodynamic limit

    Slides 1

    Slides 2

    Slides 3

    + Presented at

    • Asian Quantum Information Science Conference, Nagoya University, Japan (2018)
    • Center for Theoretical Physics Seminar, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (2017)
    • Quantum Information & Chaos Seminar, Jagiellonian University, Poland (2017)
    • [Invited] Quantum Foundations and Beyond Symposium, National Quantum Information Centre, Sopot, Poland (2017)
    • Quantum Science Group Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia (2017)
  • The extraction of work from quantum coherence


    + Presented at

    • Scientific meeting of PhD students, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland (2016)
  • Quantum information and thermodynamics: a resource-theoretic approach


    + Presented at

    • Quantum Optics and Laser Science Group Seminar, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (2016)
    • Takahiro Sagawa's Group Seminar, University of Tokyo, Japan (2016)
    • Quantum Science Group Seminar, University of Sydney, Australia (2016)
    • Coherence-Correlations-Complexity Seminar, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland (2015)
  • Quantum Coherence, Time-Translation Symmetry, and Thermodynamics


    + Presented at

    • APS March Meeting, Baltimore, USA (2016)
    • 4th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Wrocław, Poland (2016)
    • Quantum Information Theory Seminar, ICFO Barcelona, Spain (2016)
    • Symposium on Quantum Coherence, University of Ulm, Germany (2015)
    • Quantum Information Theory Seminar, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2015)
    • 7th Colleges of London Quantum Information Meeting, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (2014)
+ Poster Presentations
  • Quantum dichotomies and coherent thermodynamics beyond first order asymptotics


    + Presented at

    • 18th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, Aveiro, Portugal (2023)
    • 26th Conference on Quantum Information Processing, Ghent, Belgium (2023)
  • Avoiding irreversibility: resonant conversion of quantum resources


    + Presented at

    • EQUS Annual Workshop, Perth, Australia (2018)
  • Work extraction from quantum coherence


    + Presented at

    • 3rd Quantum Thermodynamics Conference, Porquerolles, France (2015)
    • Postgraduate Research Symposium at Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom (2015)
  • Quantum Coherence, Time-Translation Symmetry, and Thermodynamics


    + Presented at

    • 18th Conference on Quantum Information Processing, Sydney, Australia (2015)
    • 2nd Quantum Thermodynamics Conference, Mallorca, Spain (2015)